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HomeDear VetBabbleWhat Actions Can I Take if My Dog Keeps Scratching Their Healing...

What Actions Can I Take if My Dog Keeps Scratching Their Healing Wounds?


Dear VetBabble: What can I do if my Dog is Scratching Their Healing Wounds?

Many pet owners often contact me with concerns regarding the healing process of their furry friends’ wounds. Recently, one owner asked, “My dog has a scratch caused by a cat. It’s healing, but she continues to rub against the wall or couch until the scabs fall off. I’ve tried cortisone sprays, Benadryl, and even dressing her in a t-shirt. Is there anything else I can do? Also, if the wounds are healing, should I still be concerned?” If you have a similar issue, I’d like to provide some helpful information!

Understanding Skin Healing and Irritation

The process of healing can become itchy and uncomfortable for animals, just like it does for us humans. Scratching is a natural reaction to this itchiness. However, the scratching can lead to the scabs falling off prematurely, which can delay wound healing and may potentially cause an infection. If the wounds aren’t looking infected or worsening, observing them closely might be sufficient. To become better acquainted with the healing process, you may want to peruse our article on how to manage your dog’s wounds at home. It offers great advice on remedies and the proper care tactics for wounds.

Careful Use of Remedies

While cortisone sprays are often used to alleviate itching, they can delay the healing of wounds, especially if used excessively. Benadryl and t-shirts are good alternatives; however, their effectiveness can vary depending on the severity of the wound and the animal’s behavior. Remember to consult with your veterinarian before trying new remedies. For example, you may need to consider antibiotics if there is a risk of infection. For more insight, our article detailing common dog allergies can help ascertain if there is an allergy causing excessive itchiness and thereby provide helpful insights.

Alternative Treatments

If your pet’s itchiness is persisting and causing hindrance to the healing process, there are other precautionary measures you can take. Simple anti-itch solutions can be found in our article regarding simple tips for itchy dogs. For cases where cats show similar behavior, I recommend our article on skin problems in cats. Just as with dogs, healing irritations can cause itchiness for cats, and it’s important to keep an eye on them to ensure healthy healing.

In summary, while some itchiness during healing is normal, continuous scratching can slow down the healing process and potentially lead to infections. Regular checking of the wound and taking appropriate measures can help to ensure a speedy recovery. Remember, the healing process can be different for every pet, so it’s important to know and understand their unique needs. Always reach out to your vet for professional advice. Here’s to your pet’s speedy recovery!

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