Sunday, June 23, 2024
HomeDear VetBabbleWhat else can be done for my 9-year-old Dachshund's persistent cough at...

What else can be done for my 9-year-old Dachshund’s persistent cough at home?


Dear VetBabble, I have a 9-year-old Dachshund who’s been coughing lately. We’ve already tried Amoxicillin for five days, but he doesn’t seem to be improving. I’m really worried about him, what can I do to help ease his symptoms at home? Should I be worried this could be something serious, like a heart condition or lungworm?

The Underlying Issue

Dear concerned pet owner, your question touches an important implication not only for your Dachshund but for all dog owners who might observe a persistent cough in their furry friend. Coughing in dogs can signify a variety of health issues, often requiring professional intervention to accurately diagnose and treat. From your question, we understand your A9YR Doxie completed a 5-day course of Amoxicillin, which unfortunately hasn’t alleviated his sickly symptoms. As you may have read in our article “Coughing in Dogs: Types, Diagnoses and Treatment“, the causes of coughing can range from simple colds to serious health conditions such as heart problems or lungworm.

Revisiting the Vet

We strongly recommend that you take your dog back to the vet for a follow-up check-up. It’s essential to ensure that your pet’s condition is properly diagnosed so that an effective treatment plan can be determined. Sometimes, a simple course of antibiotics may not be sufficient to adequately address your dog’s symptoms. While it might seem like “Does My Dog Have a Cold?“, it could be something more serious like heart problems or even lungworm. Therefore, do not delay this vet visit.

Further Measures At Home

In terms of soothing your dog’s cough at home, though there might be some remedies you can apply, it’s always best to consult with your vet first before administering anything new to your pet. You might wish to explore specific dietary adjustments, ample hydration, or perhaps even modifying their environment could help. Nonetheless, these steps should come along with professional vet advice.

Also, consider if your dog was given heartworm medication late. Dogs who miss a heartworm dose may exhibit symptoms such as coughing. Should this be the case, our advice in this article “My dog was given heartworm medication late, what should I do?” may be helpful.

Preventive Measures

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Appropriate vaccinations and regular check-ups are crucial in preventing illnesses. Especially when it comes to lung conditions, knowing about and vaccinating against diseases such as “Bordetella: How to Treat and Prevent Kennel Cough in Dogs” is essential.

In summary, a persistent cough in your dog warrants a revision to your vet, keeping all possible diagnoses in mind. Your vet will be the best judge to decide what could potentially be causing the cough and how to treat and manage the condition, lending their expert advice on what you can do at home to ease your dog’s discomfort.

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