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HomeDear VetBabbleWhat Should I Do If My Dog Can't Walk Following a Fall?

What Should I Do If My Dog Can’t Walk Following a Fall?


Dear VetBabble, What Should I Do When My Dog Can’t Walk After a Fall?

We often receive concerns about our dear four-legged friends getting into some mishaps. Recently, we received a concerning question: “My 6-month-old Border Collie fell and can’t walk, what can I do?” First of all, let me reassure you, as distressing as it is to watch your beloved pet in distress, there are several steps you can effectively take to help. The situation might seem daunting, but hang in there, we’re here to guide you!

Possible Reasons Why Your Dog Can’t Walk After Falling

There could be several reasons why your dog can’t walk after a fall. Most commonly these issues are due to pain, injury, or trauma. It’s important to assess the situation carefully and remember that dogs, especially puppies, are resilient but they do require timely assistance under such circumstances.

If you notice that your dog is limping or unable to walk, it may be a clear sign of an injury like a broken bone, dislocated joint, or even severe bruising. You can find more detailed information related to why dogs limp in the linked VetBabble article on why is my dog limping.

Immediate Actions You Can Take

First and foremost, contact a veterinarian immediately. In cases of emergency when your regular vet isn’t available, find an emergency clinic vet. The health of your pet is a priority, and it might be crucial that you get professional help as soon as possible. Your dog might be in a lot of pain, and a professional will be able to assess the extent of the damage and establish the necessary treatment.

While waiting for professional help, you can give your pet some comfort. Keep your dog calm and try not to move him too much to prevent further injury. When handling your dog, be gentle. You can also make some temporary wound care if there are visible wounds. You can find a detailed guide on how to do this in VetBabble’s article about how to treat your dog’s wounds at home.

Avoid This Situation in the Future by Regular Vet Checks

We all appreciate our pets and wish to keep them healthy and happy. Regular check-ups with your vet can lessen the risk of such accidents. Ensure your dog is getting the necessary vitamins and minerals to build strong bones and joints. Regular health checks also help in early detection of any developing health conditions in your dog that may make them more susceptible to injuries. You can also gather valuable information from the VetBabble’s article on regular health checks for dogs.

In conclusion, it is crucial to respond promptly when your dog has an injury, and regular vet checks can prevent such incidents. But remember, no matter how careful we are, our furry friends sometimes get into situations out of our control. When that occurs, remember the guidance we provided here and respond promptly to ensure their quick recovery.

Also, keep a close eye on any behavior changes in your dog following an injury, like if they develop diarrhea, which can indicate problems like stress or an upset stomach due to the incident. When in doubt, always seek a vet’s advice. Stay safe, and keep looking after your pup’s needs with love and attention!

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