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How Long Will It Take for Diarrhea to Stop After Switching My Dog’s Food?


Dear VetBabble: Managing Canine Diarrhea and Food Allergies

Question: My pup seems to be allergic to her current food (Blue Buffalo). If I switch to a vegetable-based food, how long will it take for her diarrhea to cease? What are some good alternatives to try out?

It’s wonderful to see that you’re taking the necessary steps to make your pup feel healthier and happier! Figuring out the root cause of dietary discontent can often be a puzzle, and addressing your pet’s sensitivities is a laudable move.

Let’s break this down into three main parts – the ideal diet for dogs dealing with food allergies, the inclusion of vegetables in their meals, and suggestions for high-quality dog food brands.

Understanding Your Dog’s Food Allergies

If your dog is presenting symptoms of food allergies, such as diarrhea, skin problems or continuous paw licking, it’s possible they are allergic to an ingredient in their current diet. You should visit a veterinarian before making any drastic changes to their diet.

Switching out your dog’s food is not an immediate fix, as observed by numerous studies outlined in Pet Food Allergies – Symptoms and Treatments. It often takes a few weeks before the allergenic substance is entirely eliminated from your pup’s system, depending on how long the allergen has been a part of their diet.

Vegetables – Are They Beneficial For Dogs?

Despite the well-intentioned plan to transition your dog to a veggie diet, it’s essential to remember that dogs are omnivores, and their diet requires a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats for optimal health. Purely vegetarian diets, though seemingly healthy, might not provide all nutrients necessary for a dog’s health. As our article Do Dogs Need Vegetables? details, veggies can be an excellent addition to meals, but vegetables alone might not meet their dietary needs.

Typically in cases of upset tummies, vets often recommend feeding white meat chicken and rice mixed with a low salt or unsalted broth. It’s light on their digestive system and helps settle the stomach.

Choosing the Right Dog Food

When it comes to dietary sensitivities, not all dog food is created equal. Our article Dog Food: A Balanced Diet for Your Dog reveals that providing a balanced diet is vital for your furry friend’s overall health.

Regarding good alternatives to Blue Buffalo for your pup, Orijen and Taste of the Wild are great options that ensure a range of quality ingredients for balanced nutrition. Another fantastic albeit pricier option to feed your pup is Ziwipeak. There’s nothing artificial in it, thus making it great for dogs with allergies.

Figuring out how to manage your dog’s dietary needs can be a task, but with a little trial, error, and patience, I’m certain you’ll find the perfect fit for your furry friend. Remember, when diet changes, be sure to keep an eye on your dogs stool. Should the diarrhea persist, Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea? is a helpful article to understand the potential causes in your pet.

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