Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeDear VetBabbleCould Persistent Eye Discharge Indicate an Illness in My Dog?

Could Persistent Eye Discharge Indicate an Illness in My Dog?


Dear VetBabble: A Possible Case of Canine Eye Troubles

Dear VetBabble, I’ve grown a bit concerned for my canine companion. Lately, he has been acting a bit on the sluggish side and has been having significantly more eye discharge than ever before. Despite my efforts in cleaning his eyes, the tearing hasn’t ceased. Could this signify that my dog may be unwell? What is my best course of action? Answer:

Recognizing Normal vs. Abnormal Eye Discharge in Dogs

It’s perfectly natural for most dogs to have some eye discharge. Daily cleaning is part-and-parcel of pet ownership, and it ensures the hygiene and comfort of your beloved pet. However, when the amount of discharge increases more than usual, it sparks a concern. This could possibly indicate an issue such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, or other Common Eye Conditions in Dogs. Canine eye conditions can vary from mild conjunctivitis (a.k.a “pink eye”) to serious illnesses like glaucoma or ulcers. What you describe could possibly signify a problem that requires the attention of your vet. They will be able to determine if there’s an infection or a more serious condition that needs immediate treatment.

Understanding Changes in Your Pet’s Behaviour

It’s noteworthy that you’ve picked up on your dog’s altered demeanour in addition to his increased eye discharge. Dogs, by nature, are adept at hiding signs of illness. This is an instinctive response to protect themselves from appearing weak to predators in the wild. Hence, any noticeable shift in your dog’s activities, such as becoming listless or lethargic, might be a sign that they aren’t feeling well. It’s not limited to eye conditions alone; it could be due to other problems like Ear Infections in Dogs or gastrointestinal issues such as Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea?.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

If you observe changes in both your dog’s behaviour and the frequency of eye discharge, it’s always a good idea to get them checked out by a veterinarian. Eye problems can progress quickly, potentially leading to painful conditions or loss of vision if not addressed promptly. Simultaneously, if your pup seems otherwise healthy with no other behavioural changes but still has increased eye gunk, you may want to monitor them for a day or two. However, it’s crucial to remember that prolonged Diarrhea in Dogs: When to Worry or continued lethargy are signs to definitely reach out for professional help. While it can be distressing to suspect that your beloved pet may be sick, acknowledging the symptoms and taking prompt action is the best thing you can do. Over to the vets we go! Remember, your vet is the best source of accurate information regarding your pet’s health. So, when in doubt, reach out to the pros. After all, we all want our furry friends to stay healthy and tail-wagging happy!

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